Redistricting Discussion Continues Tuesday

redistritingbest map2.1Berkeley City Council will continue to discuss redrawing the lines for Council districts. The map chosen by the City Council majority in December was deemed unfair by many student and progressive groups, and the Berkeley Referendum Coalition gathered signatures in the dead of winter to force the City Council to consider other maps. Council also has the option of putting the maps on the ballot. Many progressive say that the costs of putting the issue on the ballot may be high, so Council should work out a compromise acceptable to referendum leaders.

Councilman Jesse Arreguin submits redistricting ballot measures, including compromise map: If the council does put the BSDC map on the ballot, Arreguin plans to move forward with the measure that, in addition to creating the citizens commissions, will add a counterproposal to the suspended map. The counterproposal, Arreguin said, is a cross between two previously proposed maps: one supported by the Berkeley Neighborhoods Council and one designed specifically to include Northside student residences.”

Council Items Continued from February 25 – now Item 16

More on Redistricting:

Berkeleyside: Council majority pushes redistricting decisions to March

Daily Cal: Berkeley Referendum Coalition celebrates success, plans to meet Sunday