Tuesday is election day – aka the last day to vote in the primary!  If you’re not registered to vote at your current address or you’ve lost your ballot, you can still vote!  California has same-day voter registration, which means you can vote at any voting center in Alameda County starting Saturday!  You can find your nearest voting center here.

For Tuesday’s primary election, the BTU membership has voted to endorse the following candidates and ballot measure positions:

  • People Powered Progressives Slate (Avery Arbaugh, Alfred Twu, Paola Laverde, Michael Cheng, Carol Coyote Cook, Sadia Khan, and John “Chip” Moore) for Alameda County Democratic Central Committee
  • Nikki Bas for Alameda County Supervisor
  • Margot Smith for State Assembly
  • Jovanka Beckles for State Senate
  • Barbara Lee for US Senate
  • Berkeley Measure H (parcel tax renewal to fund schools) – YES
  • Alameda County Measure A (civil service) – YES
  • Alameda County Measure B (recalls) – YES

**If your landlord threatens to evict you for ANY reason, immediately email info@berkeleytenants.org with the subject line “I AM BEING EVICTED” so we can provide you help ASAP. (California tenants outside Berkeley should call Tenants Together at 888-495-8020.) Because of the extremely unfair legal deadlines for tenants facing evictions, it is crucial for tenants to react very quickly to eviction notices (even for blatantly illegal evictions). Do NOT wait to use our counseling clinic if you are facing an eviction.**

BTU is proud to hold a free monthly counseling clinic, where any East Bay* tenant may speak with a professional tenant attorney.  Our next clinic will take place TUESDAY, February 27 from 3PM to 5PM via phone.  In order to use the clinic, you must sign-up for a spot here by 11:59PM Friday, February 23 (i.e. FOUR days before the clinic).  However, we only have a very limited number of spots available; priority is always given to BTU members (see below for how to join or renew your dues), followed by sign-up order.  (Members are also told about our clinics earlier than non-members.)

You can join BTU/pay your dues by going to our website and clicking the yellow “Donate” button in the upper-right corner.  Dues are a sliding scale of just $10 – $27 per year; however, those who can afford to pay more are strongly encouraged to do so.  If you’d prefer to pay dues by cash or check (which lets BTU avoid paying a transaction fee), please email info@berkeleytenants.org to have someone come pick up your dues in-person (we’ll do so in a way that maintains proper social distancing).

Our clinics’ tenant attorneys are unfortunately only able to assist tenants living in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. If you are a tenant who lives in Solano County (or anywhere else in California), we encourage you to call Tenants Together at 888-495-8020 for counseling.

The only people Jesse Arreguin cares about are his corporate donors. He is a danger to tenants, affordable housing, and every progressive issue. Don’t let him sell us out in the State Legislature!



As Berkeley Mayor, Jesse Arreguin:

Arreguin claims "bold leadership" but sells out to corporate donors like the California Real Estate PAC and California Apartment Association (big landlords)!

Don't let another corrupt politician advance to State Senate!

[Berkeley Tenants Union Logo]
labor donated
Berkeley Tenants Union

Help us get the word out to voters about why Jesse Arreguin is so dangerous! We encourage everyone to share this graphic on social media, as well as to print out copies and hand them out to voters in Senate District 7.

You can see or full list of endorsements (including Jovanka Beckles for State Senate) here.

We’re excited to announce that the Berkeley Tenants Unions membership has overwhelmingly voted to make the following endorsements:

  • People Powered Progressives Slate (Avery Arbaugh, Alfred Twu, Paola Laverde, Michael Cheng, Carol Coyote Cook, Sadia Khan, and John “Chip” Moore) for Alameda County Democratic Central Committee
  • YES on Berkeley Measure H (parcel tax renewal to fund schools)
  • YES on Alameda County Measure A (civil service)
  • YES on Alameda County Measure B (recalls)
  • OPPOSE recalling District Attorney Pamela Price

Additionally, the BTU membership previously voted to endorse:

  • Cecilia Lunaparra for Berkeley City Council District 7 (special election)
  • Nikki Bas for Alameda County Supervisor District 5
  • Margot Smith for State Assembly District 14
  • Jovanka Beckles for State Senate District 7
  • Barbara Lee for US Senate
  • YES on the Proposed Berkeley Measure to Strengthen the City’s Rent Control Ordinance
  • YES on the ballot measure to repeal Article XXXIV of the California Constitution (November)

A big thank you to everyone who voted on all of our endorsements.

We’re excited to announce that the Berkeley Tenants Unions membership has overwhelmingly voted to make the following endorsements:

  • Cecilia Lunaparra for Berkeley City Council District 7 (special election)
  • Nikki Bas for Alameda County Supervisor District 5
  • Margot Smith for State Assembly District 14
  • YES on the Proposed Berkeley Measure to Strengthen the City’s Rent Control Ordinance

Additionally, the BTU membership previously voted to endorse:

  • Barbara Lee for US Senate
  • Jovanka Beckles for State Senate District 7
  • YES on the ballot measure to repeal Article XXXIV of the California Constitution (November)

A big thank you to everyone who voted in this election. Additionally, members-in-good-standing should be on the look out for another membership ballot that will go out shortly.

**If your landlord threatens to evict you for ANY reason, immediately email info@berkeleytenants.org with the subject line “I AM BEING EVICTED” so we can provide you help ASAP. (California tenants outside Berkeley should call Tenants Together at 888-495-8020.) Because of the extremely unfair legal deadlines for tenants facing evictions, it is crucial for tenants to react very quickly to eviction notices (even for blatantly illegal evictions). Do NOT wait to use our counseling clinic if you are facing an eviction.**

BTU is proud to hold a free monthly counseling clinic, where any East Bay* tenant may speak with a professional tenant attorney.  Our next clinic will take place next Thursday, January 26 at 3-5PM via phone.  In order to use the clinic, you must sign-up for a spot here by 11:59PM Sunday, January 22 (i.e. FOUR days before the clinic).  However, we only have a very limited number of spots available; priority is always given to BTU members (see below for how to join or renew your dues), followed by sign-up order.  (Members are also told about our clinics earlier than non-members.)

You can join BTU/pay your dues by going to our website and clicking the yellow “Donate” button in the upper-right corner.  Dues are a sliding scale of just $10 – $27 per year; however, those who can afford to pay more are strongly encouraged to do so.  If you’d prefer to pay dues by cash or check (which lets BTU avoid paying a transaction fee), please email info@berkeleytenants.org to have someone come pick up your dues in-person (we’ll do so in a way that maintains proper social distancing).

* Our clinics’ tenant attorneys are unfortunately only able to assist tenants living in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. If you are a tenant who lives in Solano County (or anywhere else in California), we encourage you to call Tenants Together at 888-495-8020 for counseling.

The Berkeley Student Cooperative has rooms for rent available ASAP! Housing in the co-ops to virtually ALL college and university students – you do NOT need to attend UC Berkeley in order to live in the vast majority of their properties, most of which are located extremely close to the UC Berkeley campus.

Rent is as low as $918/month, which includes meals and groceries (except in their three apartment-style properties, which do not include food).

To learn more or to apply, go to bsc.coop/apply.


20 properties in Berkeley close to campus / Available ASAP and thru 2024!

17-260 person coops
Furniture included
Meals daily
Study rooms, common areas, gardens

3 Apartment complexes, 17 cooperative houses
Live in community!
Groceries included (except in Rochdale/Fenwick, Northside Apts)

Affordable housing for Bay Area college students! Register to live in co-op housing and make friendships that last a lifetime. From quiet, smaller houses to large mansions and identity- themed units, there’s something for everyone at the BSC! Optional student-job opportunities to work off rent and gain professional experience at a large 501c(3) non-profit organization!

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