Seismic Safety Update: Retrofit Hearing Scheduled
HEARING: Berkeley is moving forward with a law to require unsafe buildings to retrofit. A public hearing is scheduled for Thursday, July 25, at the North Berkeley Senior Center at 7 PM.
A few months ago, San Francisco passed a mandatory retrofit law which requires tenants to pay for the building safety improvements, but activists are asking for rules to ease the burden on low-income renters. Rent increases in SF are expected to be over $900 per year. Join the Berkeley Tenants Union to make sure you don’t have to pay to make your building safe!
Proposed Berkeley Law:
On San Francisco’s Law:

BERKELEY’S SEISMIC DAY OF ACTION: In March, BTU joined with students to visit 20 buildings on the “Soft Story” list – and we found HALF of the buildings had not posted warning signs as required by a 2006 law! Code Enforcement has refused to issue any fines.
Seismic Day of Action 2013 Report
Daily Cal on the Report:
NEW WEBSITE: In exciting news, a student leader from Cal has created a website where anyone can look up the status of their building in relation to Berkeley’s list of buildings that are expected to immediately collapse in an earthquake of the size that struck San Francisco in 1991. This list includes only buildings known as “soft-story” — it doesn’t list buildings that are seismically unsafe but of other construction types, unfortunately. BTU will be working to get our city leaders to address “podium” and “unreinforced masonry” buildings too! Join us!
Berkeley Safe Renting is here: