Bulb_1025The City of Berkeley is working with the Ecology Center and other nonprofits to offer energy upgrades and sustainability tips to renters. They may even install a new shower head to cut down on water use!

Call 510-981-9818 or email “joanna at ebenergy.org” to schedule a one-on-one consultation.

FlowersOn Tuesday July 16, representatives from Rising Sun Energy Center, Community Energy Services Corps, the City of Berkeley Recycling Program, Stopwaste.org, and the Ecology Center will present low-cost, high impact steps you can take as a renter to make cost-saving energy upgrades and green your living space.

The event takes place from 7 to 9 PM at 2530 San Pablo Avenue, Tuesday. If you live in a big building, ask about recent legal requirements to offer recycling to tenants.
